European countries are more receptive to adopting measures that promote the bioeconomy and the use of genetically modified organisms, this is what is reflected in the analysis of opinion studies carried out by the National Institute for Research and Development of Biological Sciences in Romania.
The bioeconomy in the world
The bioeconomy is a sector that hardly gains allies among European countries, the interest in achieving the efficient use of renewable natural resources in a sustainable way is growing.
The need to produce to meet needs without causing damage to the local ecosystem is a goal to be met. The objectives have been kanesex created in the medium and long term, one of the most important being to establish the foundations to achieve a transition towards a society with a sustainable economy.
European nations join the group of countries that want to orient their efforts to achieve a reduction in fossil fuels, replacing them with ecological alternatives.
The report of the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences in Romania
Studies carried out by the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences in Romania free porn show that the mistrust of European countries for the consumption of genetically modified foods and the use of innovative and eco-friendly biotechnologies has decreased.
In a report that was developed by Mihael Cristin Ichim, who belongs to this prestigious institute, an in-depth analysis of the changes that have been generated is carried out, oriented towards the search for viable solutions for the implementation of the production and consumption of genetically modified organisms. modified.
This publication presents interesting data, showing the evolution of the change of perspective regarding the position of European countries regarding the use of transgenic foods.
For example, in 2005, 63% were against the production and consumption of this type of food, which changes significantly in 2019, since the margin fell to 27%, showing more receptivity and less skepticism about agri-food biotechnology.
Eurobarometer Program
The Eurobarometer Program is a tool to know and analyze the opinion of citizens about a specific topic on matters related to the European Union.
It is an instrument developed by the European Commission, which since 1973, publishes annually the results of studies carried out with a variable frequency, in addition, it carries out an analysis of the evolution of public opinion.
The comparative study about the level of acceptance of European countries in relation to the use of porrfilm genetically modified organisms reflects an increase in awareness among citizens with reference to biotechnology.
Citizens are concerned to find out about the available options, their benefits and possible risks that are obtained from the use of genetically modified products.
Based on this information, the results of the analysis show that the citizens of the countries of the European Union expect the implementation of norms and procedures that regulate the use of GMOs to safeguard general health.
From 1996 to 2018, the area of transgenic crops has multiplied 113 times, reaching some 2,500 million hectares, which is an indicator of a change in position and increased participation worldwide of the countries that bet for this alternative.
The main producing countries of transgenic crops are the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and gratis porr India, which have thousands of hectares for planting and harvesting genetically modified vegetables, successfully adopting biotechnology.
Finally, the research and development of the sciences, all of them, including biology, allow human beings to advance and create technology that helps people solve social, economic and even health problems that may arise throughout history. If you found this information interesting, we invite you to find more interesting information about the use of technology in the food industry and other related topics, on our blog.
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